Hearing loss isn’t always apparent when you’re experiencing it, and sometimes it’s more noticeable to those around you. This is because hearing loss can happen gradually, and you may not notice any effects straight away. People around you may begin to notice that you’re experiencing hearing loss due to you needing them to repeat themselves or speak louder frequently. If you have noticed the same from your loved ones, you should be aware that they may be experiencing hearing loss.

Hearing loss

Dealing with hearing loss can be a sensitive topic. It can come as a surprise for many people, and they may hesitate when it comes to handling it. It’s important to handle the topic with care if you decide to bring up your concerns to your loved ones. There are many causes of hearing loss, from consistent noise exposure to the aging process.

You should know that if you leave hearing loss untreated, then it can put you at risk of other concerns. Untreated hearing loss can affect your quality of life and can cause you to avoid social interaction if you’re unaware of the cause – so it’s best to explain why you should have it checked as soon as possible!

Be there for them

As the news of hearing loss can be quite surprising, you should be prepared to help them handle the experience. If you have your concerns confirmed by a hearing instrument specialist, they can help to pick the right hearing aid for them. There’s a stigma for hearing aids, and younger people may feel like they’re too young for one. Hearing loss can be experienced at any age, and with current technology, hearing aids are able to fit much more smoothly into your everyday life.

It may even be better for you to accompany them to these appointments to show your support, as some feel like it can be embarrassing.

Types of hearing aids

A hearing instrument specialist can help you pick out the right hearing aid to match your lifestyle, and you have a few styles to match your needs.

In the ear (ITE)

ITE hearing aids sit in your ear canal and are shaped to fit the individual perfectly. Your hearing instrument specialist can take an impression to make sure that your hearing aid can sit comfortably inside your ear. ITE hearing aids are almost invisible and would not likely be noticed by others unless mentioned.

Behind the ear (BTE)

BTE hearing aids are designed to sit behind the outer ear, and they have a tube that goes to your inner ear. Just like with ITE hearing aids, you may need to get a mold made of your ear so that your BTE hearing aid fits comfortably. As BTE hearing aids are seen on the outside, you may have some options as to how they look, like a choice of skin color or a different design.

In the canal (ITC)

ITC hearing aids are a little less discreet but offer different functions that the smaller hearing aids cannot. They enter your ear canal, with a portion of them sitting on the outside of your ear, but different colors are available to match your skin. Unlike the smaller designs, you may have controls for things such as memory available for you to adjust, making them more convenient for functionality.

Hearing aid functionality

As technology improves, hearing aids become easier to integrate into our lives. You may think they’ll be difficult or uncomfortable to use, but with the right style for you, you may find that you forget you’re even wearing one! With access to Bluetooth connectivity and remote controls, hearing aids can be adjusted and used with comfort.

Bluetooth connectivity means you can connect to your devices, allowing the audio to come straight to your hearing aid rather than trying to hear through your speakers. People who have experienced hearing loss may have difficulty communicating via phone before this feature.

Getting advice

When you’re seeking someone who can advise you on which hearing aid is the right one for your lifestyle, you should seek out a hearing instrument specialist. It’s vital that you get a hearing aid that you can wear with comfort.

If you would like to learn more about experiencing hearing loss, feel you need to speak with a hearing instrument specialist or learn more about the Nu-Life Hearing Centre, you can call us at (855) 867-7449.