OTC hearing aids, also known as over-the-counter hearing aids, are a relatively new type of hearing technology available in the United States that can be purchased without a prescription from a licensed hearing healthcare professional. They are designed to be a more affordable and convenient alternative to traditional prescription hearing aids, which require a comprehensive hearing evaluation and fitting process.

So, what exactly are OTC hearing aids and how do they differ from traditional technology? While these devices haven’t been approved yet for sale in Canada, many are beginning to wonder if they could be soon. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at these questions and explore the pros and cons of OTC hearing aids.

What are OTC Hearing Aids?

OTC hearing aids are a type of hearing device that can be purchased directly from a retailer or online without the need for a prescription or professional fitting. They are designed to be worn by adults over the age of 18 with self-perceived, milder hearing loss. OTC hearing aids are not designed for children because they cannot grow with the young person’s ear anatomy as they continue to develop. Additionally, they are suitable for uncomplicated hearing loss and would be more difficult to fit with a child’s ever-growing body.

How Do OTC Hearing Aids Differ from Traditional Hearing Aids?

There are several key differences between OTC hearing aids and traditional prescription hearing aids. First and foremost, OTC hearing aids can be purchased without the need for a prescription or professional fitting. This makes them a more convenient option for people who may not have the time or resources to visit a hearing instrument specialist (HIS).

Another difference is the level of customization and support that is available. Traditional prescription hearing aids are tailored to each individual’s specific hearing loss and are fitted by a licensed hearing healthcare professional. This ensures that the hearing aids are properly adjusted and programmed to meet the wearer’s needs.

OTC hearing aids, on the other hand, are not customized to the same extent. They are designed to be one-size-fits-all and do not offer the same level of support and guidance as traditional hearing aids.

Pros and Cons of OTC Hearing Aids

OTC hearing aids have both pros and cons to consider before making a purchase.


  • More convenient: OTC hearing aids can be purchased directly from a retailer or online, without the need for a prescription or professional fitting.


  • Limited customization: OTC hearing aids are not customized to the same extent as traditional hearing aids, which may not provide the same level of benefit for individuals with more severe hearing loss.
  • Lack of professional support: OTC hearing aids do not come with the same level of support and guidance as traditional hearing aids, which may make it more difficult for users to get the most out of their devices.
  • Limited warranty: OTC hearing aids often come with shorter warranties than traditional hearing aids, which means users may have to pay out-of-pocket for repairs or replacement if their device breaks.

The Ins and Outs of Prescription Hearing Aids

Prescription hearing aids are designed to be tailored to an individual’s specific hearing loss and needs. They are fitted and programmed by a licensed hearing healthcare professional, who takes the time to carefully evaluate the wearer’s hearing and determine the best course of treatment.

One major advantage of prescription hearing aids is the level of customization they offer. Traditional hearing aids are designed to be fitted to the unique shape of the wearer’s ear and programmed to meet their specific hearing needs. This ensures that the hearing aids are properly adjusted and provide the most benefit to the wearer.

Overall, prescription hearing aids may be a better option for individuals with more severe hearing loss, who want the most customized and comprehensive support possible. While they may be more expensive and require more time and resources to obtain, they can provide a higher level of benefit and support for people with hearing loss.

Getting the Help You Need

If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of prescription hearing aids and the services offered at Nu-Life Hearing Centre, we encourage you to give us a call at (855) 867-7449. Our team of licensed hearing instrument specialists is here to answer any questions you may have and help you determine the best course of treatment for your hearing loss.

Tags: faqs, over-the-counter hearing aids