Hearing loss is something that many people experience at some point in their life, and it can be caused by a variety of things. What’s important is knowing the causes of hearing loss and how to best avoid them. Our hearing is something that most people take for granted, and it’s not always apparent when you’re damaging your ears. Your hearing health is something that you should consciously try to look after and failing to do so can lead to experiencing hearing loss.

Loud noises

One of the more well-known causes of hearing loss is of course loud noises, but how can we tell how much is too much for our ears? There are many environments where you may experience noises that could damage your hearing, and it’s important that you’re properly equipped for them. If you work around heavy machinery or power tools, the chances are that your ears are being exposed to potentially damaging volumes of noise, and you should have ear protection with you.

If you listen to music too loud or often go to festivals, the same should be said and you should make sure to keep the audio at a safe volume. Discreet earplugs are perfect for festivals, and you’ll still get to enjoy the music all the same.

Physical contact

Our eardrums are very fragile, and the ears are shaped in a way that makes them difficult to contact. With that said, you should never attempt to contact your eardrum, nor should you put any physical objects anywhere near them. Perforation of the eardrum can cause you to experience hearing loss and happens many times by accident.

Putting small objects in your ears to clean them or for other reasons puts you at a big risk, and you should try using other methods if you suspect you have a wax build-up in your ear. If you don’t feel comfortable removing it yourself, there are specialists who can take care of it for you.


Unfortunately, not all forms of hearing loss that you can experience are avoidable, and some are caused by certain diseases. Meniere’s disease and otosclerosis are some examples of this and have different effects that you should look out for. Not all forms of hearing loss are permanent, and if you have experienced otosclerosis, you can ask your hearing instrument specialist about the treatment options to help restore your hearing.

Meniere’s disease does not have a known cause, and you will experience dizziness and ringing in your ear. The loss of hearing isn’t consistent and can come and go, but you may find that some of the loss is permanent.


Having blocked ears isn’t uncommon and can be caused by a number of reasons. You may have too much earwax being built up, water in your ear, an infection or an allergic reaction, but it is treatable. You have a few options when it comes to the treatment of blocked ears, and it depends on the cause behind it. If you have too much earwax built up in your ear, it’s never advised to try to retrieve it with a physical object, but ear drops or oils to help soften it up. This way you don’t risk perforating your eardrum, and you can extract it safely.

A hot shower or bath can also help to soften up the earwax in your ear, so long as you stay in long enough. Make sure the water isn’t too hot before you expose your ear to it and allow steam to enter your ear. You should always practice caution when your ear is concerned, as the results can be permanent.


It’s not a guarantee, but the side effects of some medications can cause you to experience hearing loss. It’s a difficult cause to tackle, but if you feel as if the medications you are taking are causing you to experience hearing loss, you should speak to your doctor immediately.


Hearing loss can be irreversible, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have many options for treatment. It is common for those who experience hearing loss to see a hearing instrument specialist. A hearing instrument specialist can help you choose the right hearing aid for you, making your experience much easier. There are many types of hearing aid, and you’ll find that there’s one to fit your needs.

If you would like to learn more about acquired hearing loss, feel you need to speak with a hearing instrument specialist, or learn more about the Nu-Life Hearing Center, you can call us at (855) 867-7449.