Whether you’ve noticed a decline in your hearing abilities or you’re simply interested in maintaining your auditory well-being, a hearing instrument specialist (HIS), can provide invaluable guidance. Ask your HIS for essential tips to help you navigate hearing loss confidently.

What is Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss is a common condition that affects millions of individuals. It is essential to approach it with a positive mindset, open to receiving an assessment and hearing correction. People can experience hearing loss as a result of different factors, including natural hearing degradation in old age, illness or even exposure to loud environments. A hearing instrument specialist can be a trusted partner in addressing the issue effectively.

HIS specialise in helping individuals of all ages and backgrounds improve their hearing abilities and overall quality of life.

Spotting Hearing Loss

Recognizing the first signs of hearing loss is the essential step towards better hearing health. As such, it is essential to pay attention to subtle changes in your hearing abilities. If you find yourself asking others to repeat themselves frequently, increasing the volume of your TV or radio or struggling to follow conversations in noisy environments, these may be signs of hearing loss, whether you are already wearing hearing aids or not.

Hearing Aid Styles

When you reach out to a HIS, they can recommend hearing aids to address your hearing loss. Hearing aids can come in a variety of shapes and features, so if you have no experience of modern hearing devices, your HIS will help explain the key differences between each model.

In-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids are made using a mould of your outer ear bowl so they can fit exactly in place. These devices are discreet. Typically, a HIS recommends ITE devices for mild-to-moderately-severe hearing loss. Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids are connected to an earpiece and worn behind the ear. They are the larger style of hearing aid and can be visible depending on your hairstyle. These can provide a vast range of hearing correction for mild-to- profound hearing loss.

Finally, in-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids are also moulded to fit your ear and sit in the ear canal. They are completely invisible to other, making them a fantastic choice for those who want a discreet hearing aid. These hearing aids are suitable for anyone who has mild-to-moderate hearing loss. If you frequently experience ear infections, your HIS may focus on hearing aids that will not further lead to inflammation and issues, which means BTE style might be your best option.

Getting Used to Hearing Aids

Whether you are updating your hearing aids or receiving your first devices, getting used to them will require an acclimation period. This is designed to help your brain relearn how to process sounds.

We recommend starting your re-acclimation journey by wearing your hearing aids in a quiet environment, such as your home. This can give you the opportunity to focus on the correction they provide with simple one-to-one conversations or reading aloud. Taking breaks when you first start wearing new hearing aids can be a good idea. You can start by wearing them for a few hours and gradually increase as you feel more comfortable.

When you are at home, you can also experiment with the different functions and features of your hearing aids, such as Bluetooth connectivity for instance. This will ensure you feel confident and comfortable using all features and making the most of your hearing correction device.

The Importance of Follow-Up Visit with a HIS

When changing hearing aids for a model with more recent technology or receiving your first hearing devices, follow-up visits are necessary to fine-tune the instruments to your hearing needs. This is why it is crucial to experiment and explore the different functions of your hearing aids when you first get them. You might notice the programmable settings may not fully fit your professional or lifestyle needs or perhaps the volume is too high or too low.

Even for long-term hearing aid wearers, regular HIS appointments are central to making the most of your devices, when it comes to functionality, physical comfort and adjusting to changes in your lifestyle.

If you are experiencing hearing loss for the first time or if you’ve noticed that your hearing loss has declined, we strongly recommend reaching out to an experienced hearing instrument specialist who can provide guidance with hearing aid maintenance and selection. At the Nu-Life Hearing Centre, call us on (855) 867-7449 to help you fall into better hearing with dedicated hearing aid support.